Rachel Ryder

Senior Lecturer
Email: rabritto@iu.edu
Phone: 812-856-1990
Address: 1025 E. 7th St.
Department: Kinesiology
Ph.D. Indiana University 2013
2013-2014: Postdoctoral Fellowship in Motor Control, Indiana University School of Public Health
My teaching and creative interests focus on academic service-learning and community engagement through teaching. I use academic service-learning to provide students with authentic learning experiences that require critical thinking and problem-solving in a community setting. For kinesiology students, service-learning course work provides an engaged and relevant view of their discipline and provides opportunities to practice discipline specific ways of thinking in a practical setting to enhance students ability to address contemporary health challenges.
Ryder, R., Kitano, K., Koceja, D.M. (2010). Spinal reflex adaptation in dancers: Changes with body orientation and role of pre-synaptic inhibition. J Dance Med Sci. 14(4): 155-162
Joseph, N., Ryder, R., Phipps, A., The Influence of Conditioning Stimulus Intensity on Crossed Spinal H-reflex Responses. (2015). Indiana University, Hutton Honors College, Undergraduate Student Research Fair.
Kiessling II, P., Kennedy-Armbruster, C, FACSM., Deinhart, M., Kerby, M., Ryder, R., Zukerman, K., Schaefer, S. (2017). Move More, Sit Less? Analysis of an Employer Activity Tracker Workplace Wellness Program. American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, 2017
Ryder, R., Kitano, K., Alan P., Enyart, M., and Koceja D. Contralateral Conditioning to the Soleus H-Reflex as a Function of Age and Physical Activity. Experimental Brain Research, 2015, 1-11. doi:10.1007/s00221-015-4430-6. This study was supported by NIH Grant (1R21AG035158-01)
Ryder, R., Koceja, DM. Spinal Cord Adaptations involved in Dance Skill Acquisition and Maintenance. (2008). International Association Dance Medicine and Science Annual Meeting.
Ryder, R., Kitano, K., Hong, S., Riley Z., Koceja, DM. (2011). Crossed-spinal reflexes and postural recovery in seniors: Preliminary findings. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting.
Koichi, K., Ryder, R., Tahayori, B., Koceja, DM. Crossed-spinal influence on the human soleus H-reflex and efficiency of postural recovery from perturbation in young and elderly subjects. (2012). Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting
Ryder, R., Kitano, K., Koceja, DM. Crossed-spinal Modulation of the Soleus H-reflex: The Effects of Age and Physical Activity. (2012). Society of Neuroscience Annual Meeting.